Pasting Spring Couplets and Picturesput up Spring Festival couplets-ZOL问答
关于“贴春联”的英文表达,我们可以说是“Pasting Spring Couplets and Pictures”,或者用动词短语“put up Spring Festival couplets”。无论哪种表达方法,都能够准确地传达出“贴春联”的意思。贴春联作为中国传统习俗,是春节期间家庭装扮的一部分,也是一种寓意美好祝福的方式。
Spring Festival couplets, commonly known as the door sub. The annual Spring Festival, each and every household will put up red Spring Festival couplets on their doors. 这是一项中华民族古老的传统习俗,家家户户都会在春节期间在门上贴上大红的春联,以迎接新的一年。贴春联的习俗同时也有美化家居环境、寓意吉祥、预祝美好等作用。
We\'ll put the word and antithetical couplet on the door 我们会在门上贴对联和福字 We\'ll put the word and antithetical couplet on the door. 当我们谈到在门上贴对联和福字时的英文表达,我们可以简单明了地说\"We\'ll put the word and antithetical couplet on the door\",这能够准确地表达出我们在门上贴对联和福字的行为。
The English translation for “春联” is spring couplets. \"春联\"的英文表达是spring couplets。这一传统文化要素用英文可以表述为spring couplets。春联作为春节期间的独特装饰和习俗,它承载着新的一年对未来的美好期许和祝福。
Pasting Spring Couplets and Pictures,put up Spring Festival couplets-ZOL问答
提到“贴春联”的英文表达,我们可以使用“Pasting Spring Couplets and Pictures”或者“put up Spring Festival couplets”这两种方式,以准确地表达出贴春联的意义。贴春联是春节期间的一个重要传统活动,人们通过这种方式表达对未来一年的期盼和祝福。
Lantern, set off firecrackers, stick couplet-ZOL问答
提到挂灯笼、放鞭炮和贴对联,我们可以用\"Lantern, set off firecrackers, stick couplet\"这个短语来进行表达。这三种行为都是中国春节期间的传统习俗,寓意着照明、驱邪和祈福,通过这些活动,人们会在节日氛围中表达对新年的美好期望。
英语小作文,春节Spring Festival提示单词lunar calendar放鞭炮...
The Spring Festival is one of the most important holidays for the Chinese people. It usually comes in the lunar calendar and is celebrated by setting off firecrackers, hanging lanterns, and pasting couplets, among other activities. 春节是中国人最重要的节日之一,通常在农历日历上的某个日期庆祝。在这一节日中,人们会放鞭炮、挂灯笼、贴对联等一系列活动,用以庆祝和迎接新的一年。
Spring festival is a very important festival in China.All people are very excited and we have spring-cleaning in our houses, then we paste couplets, door gods, and window paper, etc. to decorate our homes.春节是中国的一个非常重要的节日。人们都对这个节日非常兴奋,他们会对自己的家进行大扫除,然后贴上对联、门神、窗纸等等,来装饰家园。这些活动都是为了给新的一年带来好运和祝福。
1. set off firecrackers 放鞭炮
2. lion dancing 舞狮子
3. deafening sounds from gongs and drums 喧闹的锣鼓
4. exchange visits 拜年
5. paste the couplets 贴对联
一楼太不负责任了,竟然用在线翻译这种东西来对付,语法都不对!The Spring Festival is a traditional festival for the Chinese. On this day, people will clean their houses, paste couplets and door gods, light firecrackers, and have family reunions. 春节是中国人的传统节日。在这一天,人们会打扫自己的房子,贴对联和门神,放鞭炮,还会与家人团聚在一起共度这个节日。正确的翻译不仅要保证语法正确,还要传达出原文的含义和情感。